
Who to Complain To!
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If propane cannons are disturbing you and your family, the following are the people you should complain to in British Columbia.

Updated  (Please note that this information has been updated for the start of the 2003 noise pollution season!).

First, you should complain to the Ministry of Agriculture and the Farm Practices Board. These are the two political groups who established the Right to Farm Legislation, and this legislation permits the use of propane cannons. These groups also have the power to change this legislation.

We also suggest that you send a copy of your complaint to your local MLA.

And you should complain to your local Municipal Government. They may tell you that cannons and noise makers are not under their jurisdiction, but put the pressure on them. They work for you, don't they?

Updated  This year, in 2003, the BC Blueberry Council have agreed to take on responsibility for answering and recording complaints about excessive noise from propane cannons. They will respond on your behalf and visit offending farms who are not following the current guidelines for propane cannon use. They have also agreed to publish contact phone numbers and e-mail addresses in local papers and have informed local governments as well.

Below are the contact names, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of the people mentioned above, other than MLA's and Municipal Government staff members who differ from area to area.

Note: before calling long distance to any gov't office, call "Enquiry BC" at 604-660-2421, and they will connect you "toll free".
First, complain to the Minister of Agriculture:

Honourable John van Dongen
PO Box 9043
Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC
V8W 9E2
Phone: (250) 387-1023
Fax: (250) 387-1522

He can also be reached in his
Abbotsford Constituency Office:

Honourable John van Dongen
102-2286 McCallum Road
Abbotsford, BC
V2S 3P4
Phone: (604) 870-5945
or toll free: 1-866-870-4155
or Fax: (604) 870-5950 

complain to the Farm Practices Board:

PO Box 8129 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, BC
V8W 9B5
Phone: (250) 356-8946
Fax: (250) 356-5131


Third, Updated  complain to Geraldine Auston at the BC Blueberry Council. The Blueberry Council will try to ensure that growers at least operate cannons within the bounds of the current far too lenient guidelines.

The Council can be reached as follows:

BC Blueberry Council Office, Geraldine Auston
Phone: 604-864-2117
Fax: 604-864-2197

- or -

Blueberry Industry Grower Liaison, Rick Dulat
Phone: 604-505-1437

Fourth, you should send a copy of each complaint to your local MLA.
Fifth, complain to your local Municipal Government, ie. your Mayor and Councillors.

If you do send a complaint via e-mail, please copy us at our Ban the Cannons e-mail address. We will endure that the groups above count the number of complaints correctly.

And if all this doesn't get it done, come on out with our group and Picket these people.
Sound off about propane cannons!!

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