Recently we had some calls and e-mails from people asking us, "What's the
problem with propane cannons". One more pointed e-mail even suggested that we
should get off this topic and spend our energies on more serious noise issues,
like boom
As a result of these letters we added this page
to the web site to explain the magnitude of the propane cannon
issue. And
to put it into perspective, we've related propane cannon noise to two of the
topical noise problems
people are suffering from today, ie. boom cars and leaf blowers.
What do propane cannons have in common with blowers and boom cars? Well first,
are all loud, very loud.
Leaf blowers generate noise at levels up to 75 or 80 decibels. Boom cars can be louder, some even up
to 100 decibels. But propane
cannons can be as loud as 130 decibels. They blow away their opposition,
hands down.
Second, you have no control over these noises. In the case of the boom car you
are captive for up to a minute at a red light, until finally the noise drives
The leaf blower next door is probably worse, because the gardener might work
all morning, and you know that next week he will be back at it again.
But how about propane cannons? These
devices start at dawn. In the summer
time, that's about 5:30 AM. They fire away until dusk, or about 9:30 PM. They
emit a noise
like a shot gun blast, at 120 - 130 decibels, and in our case we average two
blasts per minute. Some of
our members hear up to six blasts per minute. And the berry season stretches
from late June, through to
October. And you have to listen to this noise day after day. Is the magnitude
the problem starting to sink in yet?