My name is Barb.
I have been independently fighting the use of propane cannons in Illinois. In
a rural farming area.
He (the farmer) has made my life miserable. And I think he is enjoying it.
Unfortunately farmers, produce growers, any agricultural people think they are
protected by
the infamous "Right to Farm Act".
This is true, but only to a certain extent. Citizens are also protected to the
"Right to Enjoyment of Their Property."
Illinois Noise Statute Chapter 415.
Each state has different rules and regulations when it comes to noise.
Illinois, Minn, and New Jersey probably have the
strictest noise laws in the U.S. As time goes on more and more people are
jumping on the "ban wagon", and saying no to
this type of unneccessary noise.
If you live in an unicorporated area, you are in for a tough fight. You have to
in most cases contact the States Attorney
Office, the Lane Use Department, or the Zoning department of your designated
area. Still some people may take an interest
and most others will just say " Well he's not exceeding the recommended
decibles of noise, there is nothing
I can do.".......
Propane cannons give out the most damaging and offense type of noise, call
"Impulse Noise."
It's a short shot of high decibles lasting less than a second, but repeats
itself over and over and over all day long.
It can cause hearing loss, loss of sleep, irritability, high blood pressure,
stress, and anxiety.
This is a well documented fact from some of the best renown audiologist and
hearing specialist.