Laser will silence cannons, Bhullar
By Kevin Diakiw
The sound of cannon fire near agricultural land may soon be silenced if farmers invest in a new way to scare off birds.
For years, residents have complained of the thunder of propane cannons used by farmers to frighten birds from cash crops.
A local MLA figures he's come up with a quieter way to achieve the same goal.
Tont Bhullar, (Lib. Surrey-Newton) has developed an infrared laser that casts a beam of light over farmer's fields for "about three city blocks". The beam is invisible to humans, but birds see it - and they don't like it, Bhullar claims.
The P-3 anti-avian system currently has a U.S. patent pending and is expected to retail for $3000 to $5000. Propane cannons retail for $1200.
Bhullar has field tested the P-3 and found it did scatter birds. An independent, scientific review of the P-3 has not yet been undertaken.
Biologist Don DeMille said Wednesday he's never heard of such a device for keeping birds off crops. He's also unaware of harmful effects it could have on wildlife.
Bhullar's brother-in-law Kirt Gill said the P-3 will undergo further tests this summer. Meanwhile, Gill is shipping the device to Huntsville, Alabama, for further tweaking.
If all goes well the P-3 will be available to the public sometime next year.
(From the February 9, 2002 issue of the Peace Arch News)
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