Blasted Cannons!
From: "B. D.
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 4:33 PM
To: 'bcblueberries@direct.ca'
Cc: 'john.vandongen.mla@leg.bc.ca'; 'fpb@agf.gov.bc.ca'; 'rick_dulat@hotmail.com'; 'banthecannons@hotmail.com'; 'john.vandongen@gems4.gov.bc.ca'
Hi Geraldine, Well once again the dreaded summer season is upon us, and once again I am forced to endure the blasting of these wretched cannons. I live on what was supposed to be a quiet country acreage until all these Blueberry farmers arrived to shatter that dream of serenity. My home is on the north side of 88th ave and 182 in Port Kells, as I am on the hill I get the double annoyance of getting shattered by "triple shots" hundreds of times a day....PLUS...I also get to endure it again, as the shots echo while the blast rips around the hillside.
The blueberry acreage around me as exploded over the last few years and each year brings more wretched cannons and more blasting!
Until the day when we can once again have "Peace in the Valley", can you please investigate the present offensive farms.
I am not sure exactly which farm is the worst but it seems to come from several situated on 184th st south off 88th ave to Harvie Rd. Some guns are louder than I have ever heard them before and they all blast away "triple shot" after" triple shot"...UNTIL AFTER 9PM!!!
Rick was most helpful last year it reducing the insanity from "unbearable" to "aggravating" so I trust he can do the same this year. Oh how I long for the day when we can be rid these dreadful things once and for all. Until such time...I would appreciate your follow-up.
B. D.
Surrey BC
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