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He is the famous American activist, Cesar Chavez.

Chavez is best known for his efforts to gain better working conditions for thousands of agriculture workers in the state of California. In particular, he battled the California grape growers by holding a series of nonviolent protests. Chavez got the idea for nonviolent actions from Martin Luther King Jr.

Chavez also went on hunger strikes, refusing to eat for long periods of time. Our group of anti-propane cannon protestors do not intend to go on a hunger strike, but we have vowed to stop eating products containing blueberries for as long as the damn propane cannons keep firing.

Boycotts are another of the most successful weapons used by Chavez in his fight against unjust agricultural practices. Once he realized that his agricultural opponents were unwilling to compromise one bit from their entrenched position, he initiated a highly successful nation wide boycott of California grapes. Most people do not remember this, but the grape boycotts started way back in the 1960's and carried on for several decades. Once started, there was no stopping them. After a while people even forgot the reason for avoiding California grapes, but they didn't buy them because of all the negative publicity. The grape industry was crippled by this action.

Chavez's work inspired boycotts in many other industries, because of the success he had against the grape growers. Nothing can put an industry out of business quicker than a successful boycott of their products...........
A lot can be learned from Cesar Chavez.

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